///////////////////// Site Slogans ////////// &name1=FOREIGN CAREER SERVICES &name2=Information at + 92 333 6462 121 &name3=You Have The Talent, We Have The Tools &name4=Travels and Tour services ///////////////////// Buttons Name ////////// &menu1=Home &menu2=Study Abroad &menu3=Travel,Tours &menu4= Online Jobs &menu5= Courses &menu6=Contact Us ///////////////////// Mail File Config ////////// &mail_file=mail.php& ///////////////////// Copyright ////////// ©right=COPYRIGHT © 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FCS. ///////////////////// Privacy Policy ////////// &privacy_readmore_title1=Privacy Policy &privacy_readmore_txt1=Suspendisse enim arcu, convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean semper aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede at sapien sodales mattis. Vestibulum pede. Maecenas sit amet augue. Sed blandit lectus eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, temspor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, pharetra ut, viverra sed, egestas nec, mauris. In pharetra ipsum condimentum elit. Suspendisse mattis turpis eget odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Pellentesque tempus dictum urna. Sed consequat massa eget metus. Quisque mollis pretium nisl. Mauris venenatis porttitor risus. Phasellus accumsan turpis. Nam sagittis nulla quis orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec vitae elit.Suspendisse enim arcu, convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean semper aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede at sapien sodales mattis. Vestibulum pede. Maecenas sit amet augue. Sed blandit lectus eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, pharetra ut, viverra sed, egestas nec, mauris. In pharetra ipsum condimentum elit. Suspendisse mattis turpis eget odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Pellentesque tempus dictum urna. Sed consequat massa eget metus. Quisque mollis pretium nisl. Mauris venenatis porttitor risus. Phasellus accumsan turpis. Nam sagittis nulla quis orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec vitae elit.Suspendisse enim arcu, convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean semper aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede at sapien sodales mattis. Vestibulum pede. Maecenas sit amet augue. Sed blandit lectus eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, pharetra ut, viverra sed, egestas nec, mauris. In pharetra ipsum condimentum elit. Suspendisse mattis turpis eget odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Pellentesque tempus dictum urna. Sed consequat massa eget metus. Quisque mollis pretium nisl. Mauris venenatis porttitor risus. Phasellus accumsan turpis. Nam sagittis nulla quis orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec vitae elit.Suspendisse enim arcu, convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean semper aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede at sapien sodales mattis. Vestibulum pede. Maecenas sit amet augue. Sed blandit lectus eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, pharetra ut, viverra sed, egestas nec, mauris. In pharetra ipsum condimentum elit. Suspendisse mattis turpis eget odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Pellentesque tempus dictum urna. Sed consequat massa eget metus. Quisque mollis pretium nisl. Mauris venenatis porttitor risus. Phasellus accumsan turpis. Nam sagittis nulla quis orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec vitae elit.& ///////////// home //////////// &home_txt1=FCS! &home_txt2=Education Consulting and Coaching
Why Students want the Best Education?
Education and training provides information, skills and experience.Education enables individuals to complete more complex tasks, avoid mistakes, perfect skills and be more successful. Many students travel internationally to obtain better, more specialized, more modern, more professional, more successful, more theoretical, more hands-on, more "something" education and training.Students want better jobs, better careers and better lives. &home_txt3=About FCS &home_txt4=Our Mission Is: &home_txt5=Help students and provides information about best education in which they can flourish Nurture talent and encourag personal achievement. &home_txt6=Produce highest quality and place students in the top Universities and Colleges. Make students aware of highest academic standards, drawing in creative and innovative ideas. &home_txt7=Latest News &home_txt8=08/03/2011
Soon we will going to launch IELTS,Korean language,Computer Classes Academic Coaching and Technical Corses

&home_img1=images/index1.jpg& &home_img2=images/index2.jpg& &home_readmore_title1=About FCS &home_readmore_txt1=FCS
FCS is a Global Education and Career Counselling.
FCS is an Organization that is working to build career of people and Provide Provider guidence to students before study or after study.We serve the people and make sure their bright future from diffrent ways.Transfer the knowledge of education to our clients.Help to exploit the places to visit in and around World.Excel in the personal achievements of students, supported by the College/University. & ///////////// study abroad //////////// &about_txt1=Study Abroad &about_txt2=We Provide Consultancy and Pathway to students for study.
Have you considered studying abroad, but are not sure whether it's worth your time? If you ask anybody who has studied abroad, he or she will most certainly tell you that it is a life-changing experience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done. Perhaps you're not certain what benefits you can reap from an extended stay in a foreign country. FCS is here to provide all consultency. &about_txt3=Enhancement &about_txt4=Study abroad can be an enriching and eye-opening adventure, where learning extends to the world beyond the classroom walls. There is no substitute for living and studying in a foreign country if you want to gain in-depth knowledge of another culture's customs, people, and language. In addition, you will find that living and studying or working in another country can develop important transnational competencies that can be of interest to future employers. &about_txt5=READ MORE &about_txt6=Study In: &about_txt7=UNITED KINGDOM
&about_txt8=1.See the world and broaden your experience.
2.Gain a new perspective on your own country.
3.Explore your heritage.
4.Learn a language in a country where it is spoken.
5.Improve your professional and financial potential.
6.Become a full-time learner.
7.Gain new insights and outlooks through new relationships.
8.Fight stereotypes by educating others.
9.Dispel your own stereotypes.
10.Take control of your future. &about_img1=images/second1.jpg& &about_img2=images/second2.jpg& &about_readmore_title1=Career Enhancement &about_readmore_txt1=Personal Growth

Students who return from a study abroad program often see it as an experience which matured them personally and intellectually. They praise being exposed to new ways of thinking and living, which encourages growth and independence. For many students, going abroad to study is the first time they have really been away from 'home,' from familiar surroundings of the world, as well as from friends and family. This is seldom an easy experience, but it is universally praised as worthwhile, often even life-transforming. After immersing themselves in a new culture, mastering the challenges of learning in a new and different academic environment, and experiencing the many highs and lows of being a 'foreigner,' students typically return home with increased self-confidence and justifiable pride in what they have achieved.

New Perspective on World Affairs

Study abroad can broaden your intellectual horizons and deepen your knowledge and understanding of international, political, and economic issues. It is almost certain that you will return from your sojourn abroad with a more informed and accurate perspective on world affairs. You will also have first-hand knowledge of how another culture approaches the tasks and challenges of everyday life, a sense of how 'global' the international culture has become, and an appreciation of the importance of international cooperation. You will probably also gain a broader understanding of, and appreciation for, the United States, its way of life, and its role in international affairs. Through your professors, the other students in your program, and people you meet, you'll learn how others view the United States and its world role. If you live in a country where English is not the native language, or is spoken only by some, you will learn the practical importance of learning another language and using it.

Career Enhancement

But study abroad does more than promote academic enrichment and personal growth. It also can enhance your employment prospects, especially in the fields of business, international affairs, and government service. Employers increasingly seek graduates who have studied abroad. They know that students who have successfully completed a study abroad program are likely to possess international knowledge and often second-language skills. Such students are also likely to have other transnational competencies that graduate and professional schools and employers value just as highly: cross-cultural communication skills, analytical skills, an understanding of and familiarity with local customs and cultural contexts, flexibility, resilience, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances and deal constructively with differences

What Are Your Reasons? What Are Your Goals?

After considering these potential benefits, you must still ask yourself why you, yourself, want to study abroad. Take some time to think about your reasons, for they will become your goals and your personal measures of success. Perhaps you want to learn a second language, or perfect one you already know. You might want to learn about another culture, diversify your studies, or prepare for graduate school. Maybe you want to travel and meet new people. Whatever your reasons are, write them down and share them with your professors, family, friends and, most importantly, with your study abroad advisor.There are a host of valid reasons for wanting to experience foreign study. Whatever your reasons, they should be positive ones. Study abroad should not be seen as an escape route from problems at home or on campus. Adjusting to life and learning in a foreign environment will have its stressful moments, and the more you are able to focus on your goals, the more you're likely to benefit from the experience. & ///////////// travel,tours //////////// &services_txt1=Hajj,Umrah &services_txt2=Hajj and Umrah services in Pakistan. Pakistani's top Hajj and Umrah tour operator online. &services_txt3=READ MORE &services_txt4=Today we bring you one of the best Hajj and Umrah services around. We do not feel any difficulty in facilitating best packages. &services_txt5=READ MORE &services_txt6=Packages &services_txt7=We select best package of your choice for Hajj and Umrah. &services_txt8=Lattest News &services_txt9=We are going to start Hajj,Umrah and visit visa facility very soon.for more information please Contact us
+92 333 646 2121 &services_txt10=READ MORE &services_img1=images/third1.jpg& &services_img2=images/third2.jpg& &services_readmore_title1=Hajj and Umrah &services_readmore_title2=Hajj and Umrah &services_readmore_title3=Hajj and Umrah Hajj and Umrah& Hajj and Umrah& Hajj and Umrah& ///////////// online jobs //////////// &projects_txt1=Earn Online &projects_txt2=100 % Guaranteed Registration and Income.

Data Entry Jobs

Welcome to PK Online Jobs. In the field of advertising there is maxim considered as the base of selling any product. That is "The more you tell, the more you sell".This maxim is a key element in advertising. There is a large number of advertising mediums around us. But the medium of internet is the best and superior source of advertising. The world has become a global village, now it's not any difficult to make your products to take all over the world. We, having a huge online and offline experience. &projects_txt3=Best Projects &projects_txt4=1.Student Data entry jobs
2.Basic Data entry jobs
3.Premium Data entry jobs
4.Advance Data entry jobs
5.Professional Data entry jobs

for more details click Project page. &projects_txt5=Projetcs &projects_txt6=Male and Female &projects_txt7=1. Male, female required for data entry jobs.
2. No age limit required.
3. You do not have to sell or buy any thing.
4. You do not have to communicate any one.
5. Just a simple form filling ad posting job.
6. You must have computer basic knowledge.
7. Must have computer with internet excess.
8. Internet basic's awareness.
9. Earn thousands of $$$$s every month.
10. A lots of bonuses. &projects_img1=images/fourth1.jpg& &projects_readmore_title1=Projects We Offer &projects_readmore_txt1=1.Student Data entry jobs
i.Earn up to 5500 PK Rupees per month.
ii.Joining Bonus 300 .
iii.Referrals commission is 300.
iv.Membership valid for 3 months.
v.Per ad posting is 5 Rupees Minimum payout limit is 5000 Rupees.
vii.Membership Fee is 5000 Rupees just.
2.Basic Data entry jobs
i.Earn up to 8000 PK Rupees per month.
ii.Joining Bonus 500.
iii.Referrals commission is 500.
iv.Membership valid for 6 months.
v.Per ad posting is 6 Rupees
vi.Minimum payout limit is 5000 Rupees.
vii.Membership Fee is 8000 Rupees just.

3.Premium Data entry jobs
i.Earn up to12000 PK Rupees per month.
ii.Joining Bonus 500.
iii.Referrals commission is 500.
iv.Membership valid for 8 months.
v.Per ad posting is 6 Rupees
vi.Minimum payout limit is 5000 Rupees.
vii.Membership Fee is 11000 Rupees just.

4.Advance Data entry jobs
i.Earn up to16000 Rupees To Unlimited Earning.
ii.Joining Bonus 500.
iii.Referrals commission is 500.
iv.Membership valid for 8 months.
v.Per ad posting is 7 Rupees
vi.Minimum payout limit is 5000 Rupees.
vii.Membership Fee is 17000 Rupees.

5.Professional Data entry jobs
i.Earn up to Unlimited per month.
ii.Joining Bonus 500.
iii.Referrals commission is 500.
vi.Membership valid for 8 months.
v.Per ad posting is 8 Rupees
vi.Minimum payout limit is 5000.
vii.Membership Fee is 21000 Rupees.

& & ///////////// Courses //////////// &support_txt1=Foreign Courses &support_txt2=FCS has a great experience in placing students in UK, Australia, Canda, China and Cyprus. Our staff have extensive experience in understanding the whole process. for courses detail see below. &support_txt3=Foriegn Courses &support_txt4=Courses in FCS &support_txt5=1. Study Services
2. Online services (Online IELTS)
3. Language Courses
(English and Korean Language)
4. Computer Courses
(Web Design,MS Office,Hardware,Inpage Urdu,
Networking and Adobe Photoshop)
6. Marketing Courses
&support_txt6=Tech Courses &support_txt7=Course From Skill Development Council Of Pakistan
Foreign Affair Attested and Worldwide Recognized.
Admissions Open in
Electrician, AutoCAD, Carpenter,Plumber,Dispenser and for more courses detail click below. &support_txt8=More detail &support_img1=images/fifth1.jpg& &support_readmore_title1=Courses for Foreign Study &support_readmore_title2=Technical Courses We Offer &support_readmore_txt1=1.Computer Sciences
2.Certificate in IT
3.Diploma in IT
4.Professional Graduate Diploma in IT
5.Business Management and Marketing
6.Diploma in Business Management Marketing
7.Higher Diploma in Business Management and Marketing
8.Professional Diploma in Business Management and Marketing
9.Advance Diploma in Business Management and Marketing
12.Postgraduate Studies
13.Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Management
14.Language Courses
6.Dental Technician
7.Beauty Parlor Course
8.Motor winding
10.Para MedicalCourse
and much more courses.

Would you like to go to abroad?

You are skillful worker and going aboard for job. We shall suggest you to get certificate on behalf of FCS through Govt of Pakistan. All certificate of any courses will be accepted around the world. Because most of the people have gone with certificate of Skill Development Council of Pakistan. Now FCS is Here to Promote you so do not hesitate to contact us. & ///////////// contacts //////////// &contacts_txt1=Contact Address &contacts_txt2=CEO
Mohammad Yousaf Raza Bhatti
+92 333 646 2121 &contacts_txt3=Foreign Career Services
Near Ittifaq CNG opp Madina Mosque Gojra road Jhang ++92 47 762 6121
+92 47 765 2133
E-mail: foreigncareer@yahoo.com &contacts_txt4= &contacts_txt5= &contacts_txt6=Contact Form &contacts_txt7=Share Your Comments With FCS Using Below. &contacts_txt8=RESET &contacts_txt9=SEND &contacts_img1=images/sixth1.jpg& ///////////// do not remove //////////// &file_prelouder=1&